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Drone view of the farm

Look at this drone shot of Hole in the Mountain Farm, home to Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple where all of our fruit is grown and harvested.

Monkeypod Jam

Holiday Open House at the new Lawai Store Paul and I are on our way down to the Holiday Open House for Monkeypod Jam‘s new store (2-3687 Kaumualii Hwy, Lawai, HI 96765) in Lawai. One of my favorite flavors is the lilikoi (passion fruit) curd. Lilikoi fruit can be difficult to procure, which can result in a shortage of this exotic flavored curd. Rob and Aletha, the owners of Monkeypod Jam, asked if we could help them plant lilikoi vines at Hole in the Mountain Farm to ensure a more consistent supply. We thought we could help with the problem of lilikoi shortage by growing some lilikoi vines on our 37 acres, our Hole in the Mountain Farm in Moloaa, home to Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple. The vines are doing pretty good and we look forward to the day when our next jar of…

Place your holiday orders early

With the year end holidays approaching we have plenty of Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple ripening in time for what we expect to be our biggest harvest ever. It is best to place your holiday orders early (now would be good) and in the special instructions box on the shopping cart checkout page tell me you want delivery for the holidays.  This is the same box where, if you have purchased a card, you type your personalized message.  Don’t worry, I will know which is the message for the gift card and which is the delivery date request.  We are a small company with a really dedicated team of great workers and while itʻs always a little challenging to predict exactly how much fruit will ripen over the holiday season I can assure you we will do our best to fulfill all our orders in a timely manner. I am not a…

Take Kauai Sugarloaf pineapple to Japan

UPDATE:  Unfortunately, as of October 2018, pineapple is no longer allowed into Japan. 残念ながら、2018年10月につき、パイナップルは許可されなくなりました。 We’ve learned that it’s easy to take our pineapple to Japan from regular customers. Here are first hand accounts – in Japanese and in English – of how it works. パイナップルは、カウアイからチェックインバッゲッジに入れ、日本に着いたら、ターンテーブルの荷物を受け取った後検疫に持って行きチェックしてもらった後税関を通過して終わりました。 前回は、手荷物にパイナップルを入れたのでターンテーブルに荷物が出てくる前に検疫に持って行きチェックしてもらいました。どちらも問題なく検疫OKでした。 Carryon pineapple or pack protected in a hard shell checkin bag. The US Agriculture inspection is not needed for flights to Japan. On arrival in the baggage claim area before customs inspection take pineapple to the agricultural inspection station where they will have a look and give you a stamp of approval most likely. Show the stamp to the customs inspector. More info here but you shouldn’t need it, it’s easy.

Tears of Joy

We love hearing from customers but every once in a while we get some unforgettable stories about how much our white Sugarloaf pineapple is appreciated and how meaningful it can be to them. Here’s a recent example – verbatim – from a person who purchased a Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple from me at the Kukui’ula Farmers Market. You can read our story that she refers and more at the links above. Subject: “Tears of Joy” My husband and I, along with our children just arrived home after 3 weeks in Kauaʻi. We are so blessed to have this trip every other year, but it wasn’t until this year that we met you. We purchased one of your pineapples at the Kukuiula farmers market. We then spent the rest of our days looking for you to experience the dream that is your sugarloaf pineapple!…

Phrosties with Christmas Spirit this Saturday at KCC market

Santa has it, it’s white, it’s frozen, and it’s Phrosty? It puts the biggest smile on everyone’s face? What is it? That’s easy!  It’s Paulie’s Pineapple Phrosty’s, the best Christmas treat ever! Even though Santa and his elves had the famous Christmas Phrosty’s last week, we are celebrating on Hawaiian time, so it’s not too late to get one because Santa Claus came to town and he decided to stay in Hawaii because it’s so nice here. Santa will be at the Market on Saturday, December 27th. Come celebrate the holidays and enjoy one with Paulie and his elves at the Kauai Community College market.  Bring all the kids, bring all the family, find some visitors on the highway and bring them, too. Tell the tourists on the beach to come.  This is too good to miss! It doesn’t matter…

Happy Holidays!

We have been very busy, for the holiday rush. We added two great young men to the crew at Hole in the Mountain Farm, home of Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple. Paul and I, our little terrier Panda, Jake, and Keola have been working day and night picking, washing, wrapping, packing, and shipping every last Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple available to fulfill the heavy seasonal demand. Santa’s elves flew down and even the little menehune came out of the hidden valleys and forests of Hawaii to help get everyone their Christmas pineapple delivered in time to celebrate the holidays. This year we ran into a problem that even the elves and the menehune couldn’t fix: we ran out of ripe fruit! But I knew I had the most wonderful customer base in the world so I emailed a few of my customers to ask if I could ship them…


I get quite a few requests from customers that want to come out to Hole in the Mountain Farm, but it’s not everyday that the executive chef from the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas calls you up because he wants to come see where Kauaʻi Sugarloaf grows.  Although I must admit, most times when anyone, even the executive chef at the Wynn Resort, asks for a tour of the farm I tend to cringe because it always takes a couple of hours out of my work day. But experience has taught me that this “chore” is always a very satisfying and motivating break in my life. And so when David Walzog from Wynn contacted me, I said I would gladly show him around. Sometimes being a farmer can feel like you have a noose around your neck, tied to the land and…

They’re back: Paulie’s Pineapple Phrosty’s

Back by popular demand, Paulie will be at the KCC farmers market again this Saturday, (July 26, 2014, between 9:30am and 12:30 PM) serving his famous made-to-order Paulie’s Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple Phrosty’s. Free samples for everyone! These ridiculously enjoyable frozen treats taste just like ice cream – They really do! – but you can watch them being made and see for yourself that they are 100% Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple: nothing added, except aloha.July 26, 2014,

Introducing Paulie’s Pineapple Phrosty

We are planning a very special treat for the upcoming KCC market this Saturday, July 19, 2014: Paulie’s Pineapple Phrosty. Paul, whose nickname is Paulie World, has many hours driving around in circles doing tractor work which is a perfect set up for inspired ideas. Tractor work is a long hot day, as are many of the days growing Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple, and one day Paul thought we should try making frosties. He has enjoyed the banana and pineapple frosties at Banana Joe’s in Kilauea and he could barely wait to get off the tractor, buy a Champion Juicer, and freeze some fresh Kauaʻi Sugarloaf. This new way to enjoy Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple is indescribably delicious. It’s so creamy and so sweet you won’t believe there isn’t any sugar or cream added. In fact you’ll want to see it made to really…

Raves at the local market

Selling our white Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple at local markets (locations and details) here in Kauaʻi is especially rewarding because we get to see people’s reaction to this incredible taste experience first hand. I must admit sometimes I have to really push to get some folks to try this pineapple as many people can’t imagine that my pineapple is that much different than that regular yellow, burn your mouth, pineapple. Recently at the farmers market, a young woman tasted our pineapple and said she had such a phenomenal experience from the delicious taste, creamy texture, and overall sweetness, that she got chicken skin (that’s the Hawaiian pidgin term for goosebumps). She actually showed me her arm full of chicken skin – you can’t fake that kind of experience! It isn’t unusual to hear all kinds of great comments such as “heaven on earth, best I’ve ever…

Kids in the Field

Not long ago we had visitors to our farm and the kids just loved learning how to harvest pineapple in the fields.  I must say some people, in this case one of the kids, had a great eye for recognizing the important characteristics of ripeness. I have spent years trying to pass on to others all the little nuances we look for to determine if a Kauaʻi Sugarloaf pineapple is ripe. In case you couldn’t tell who it was by the size of the pineapple prize he took home, it is the little fella with the black shirt. Too bad about those child labor laws ’cause these kids just couldn’t pick enough!  They didn’t seem to mind all the pokey leaves or the hot sun. Paul and I do not have children and so a group of them for a…